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1 min read

Why You Should Film Interviews on Your Wedding Day

Why You Should Film Interviews on Your Wedding Day


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Imagine this: It's your wedding morning. You're excited, and a tiny bit nervous. All your closest friends and family members are in the getting-ready space with you and they're talking and laughing and having a good time. There's a happy chatter all around you and everything is just buzzing with excitement. There are people laughing, a few loud voices, and music playing. There's a lot of noise and a lot of emotions running high. You are happy of course, but you realize all of a sudden that you're getting married and you have a lot of feelings to process but you're in a crowded room with no place to really step away.

Doing interviews during the getting ready time is our answer to this emotional rollercoaster. 

Imagine this second scenario: It's your wedding morning. You're excited, and a tiny bit nervous. All your closest friends and family members are in the getting-ready space with you. They're talking and laughing and having a good time and the room is kind of loud. Then, we show up. We pull you aside from the hubbub of the main room. We go to a nice, quiet, still space with a pretty window and natural light. We both sit in a comfortable chair set up like two friends about to sit down for a good conversation. Then we ask, "What do you love most about your fiance?" or "What's something your fiance does that always makes you laugh?" or my favorite, "How did you know they were someone you wanted to marry?" 

Suddenly, you're in a beautiful quiet space asking questions that help you process the emotions of the day. best of all, you get to have these words to watch back for years to come. So when you've had a rough day, or it's your anniversary and you want to remember what the day was like, you have your and your fiance's first-hand account of the day and what you were feeling. There's nothing quite like it!
See one of our favorite interview examples on Instagram here.

Are you convinced yet? Would you give wedding day interviews a try?


Remember, to do an interview as it deserves to be done, we need at least 30 minutes of time with each of you separately on our timeline. Doing interviews is SUCH a great option, but it takes a bit of time to do right.